Best Physical Therapy Care Near You in Clearwater

Live Healthier & Happier

Realign and live freely.

Our Physical Therapists help you find relief and maximize mobility,

so you can do the activities you love most.

See how Physical Therapy care can help you live freely.

Feel 100%

Our goal is to align the spine and joints in your body to alleviate pain and restore proper motion. We provide a safe, non-invasive, drug free solution to pain and discomfort, so that you can experience freedom.


Joint mobility and function/ Loosen muscles / Arthritis / Reduce inflammation / Circulation / Faster recovery / Decrease stress / Nervous system / Immune system / Organ functions / Improve disposition / Boost energy / Calm mind / Minimize pain

Live healthier with Impact Health and Performance.

We uncover the full picture of your health to get you back in balance.

Minimize pain

Our goal is to make your life more comfortable by decreasing tension in the muscles you use every day. Our care can help reduce pain in the neck, back, and ease headache symptoms.

Live healthier

Physical Therapy treatments are found to help with more than just back pain. They can actually decrease blood pressure, reduce inflammation, increase blood flow to the brain, and more.

Stand taller

Improving your posture is just one of the amazing benefits of physical therapy care. Our patients leave the clinic feeling more comfortable and confident, every single time.

Physical Therapists that really care

We strive for patient-centered care and an open dialogue where people feel comfortable sharing their concerns or questions about what's going on in life so that we can make sure you feel your very best.

When you come to our practice, we want your experience with us to be more than just a treatment.

"Impressed!!!! Came through town with a back issue. I was already walking strong and feeling better in one session."

Jan S.

Get aligned, feel amazing.

Experience rejuvenation

Our physical therapists craft specialized alignment plans that get you feeling better without invasive procedures or drugs. Rather, we focus on aligning the systems in your body to bring healing and maximize the health benefits of our care.

Ready to feel better?

Get aligned and feel like the best version of yourself.

Impact Health and Performance 2024